
Fun with Microformats

I just updated my food blog by encoding all of the restaurants’ contact information in microformats. It’s basically a way to encode vCard/vCal data using HTML. It’s part of the latest movement to bring semantics (meaningful data that can be interpreted by computer programs) to web content. For instance, with this technology you could easily write a program to find all the phone numbers and addresses listed on the internet and generate a worldwide phone book. Or you could track who has lived in a given house over the past X years. Or you could generate statistics on how many CEOs live next to golf courses. Or you could figure out, according to published calendars, when most people will be away from home and thus not watching the latest sitcom. And that’s just the beginning.

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Remembering Why I Like Apple

After so many years of using a Mac at home, I started to have thoughts, like, “well maybe Windows isn’t that bad. People seem to get along OK with it. My work computer has problems, but that’s probably because I do weird things with it.”

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Missing Out on Joost

Joost looks really awesome.  Tons of free TV shows streamed on demand.  It’s too bad that their client software isn’t compiled for PowerPC.  :(  I’ve only had my PowerBook G4 for 4 years, but maybe it’s time to upgrade to a MacBook Pro if companies keep leaving PPC users out in the cold.

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Tech Explosion

This article is a little old, but it hit me at just the right time. Lately, I’ve been on a binge of researching new programming languages and frameworks, now that I have so much free time and the fact that, lately, I’ve felt like I’ve fallen behind a bit after playing so much EU II and focusing on PHP for a year. In the process of playing catchup I started to feel overwhelmed - there’s so much out there - Hibernate, LINQ, CouchDB, Erlang, Ruby, Smalltalk, hey remember Scheme? SQLite, JQuery, Perl, Spring, ad nauseum.

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