Programming the Multiverse: Part 2 - Some Basic Gates
March 14, 2024
In part 2 we’ll go over some very simple quantum gates and explore our first concept that makes quantum computing “quantum” — Superposition.
Programming the Multiverse: Part 1 - Introduction
March 13, 2024
Welcome to Programming the Multiverse, a blog series introduction to quantum computing for imperative programmers!
How to run docker containers in Intel/x86 mode on an M1 Mac
April 21, 2021
I’m working on a node.js/blitz.js/web project that uses pact via the pact-node package. Unfortunately, this package isn’t compatible with Apple’s M1 (aarm64) chip due to the standalone ruby (Intel/x86-only) that’s packaged with it. Instead of trying to have two node installations for each platform, I decided to try and get docker to build and run my app images using the amd64 platform. And it works!
Notable Links: Software Development
May 12, 2017
Great talk by Randy Shoup on designing effective microservices - very much in line with what I’ve been building out our message-oriented architecture at Faraday.
Notable Links: Pass
April 24, 2017
Pass: Like a local lastpass Chrome plugin for Pass
Headless Chrome
April 21, 2017
Google Chrome version 59 will ship with the headless option. This means you can test your web applications using chrome without needing a running window manager or xvfb.